Spleened! Blog


Musings on a Crime Drama

So I’m flipping channels tonight and settled on CSI since just about nothing else was on. I mean, I’m a Law and Order guy myself, and this must be the one time slot in recent history it’s not currently on TV somewhere…but I started...


The Seven Signs of an Indifference-Based Workplace

The economic crisis sent waves of shock and fear through the global business world. And, on cue, the collective clench of the corporate community has compressed logic, reason and old-fashioned common sense into a diamond-hard lump of flawless stupidity. We started down the road...


“Come with me and change the world…”

This article was originally written on the day Apple was bigger than Microsoft, back in May 2010. In the time since, Apple has become the most valuable company, period. Although fate struck down Steve Jobs, it would seem he is now more powerful than...