Category: Uncategorized

McSpleen’s Dictionary: getting zucked

getting zucked (verb) To have one’s online assets or profiles changed, disseminated, unsecured, re-ordered, overwritten, deleted, monetized, or otherwise changed with little or no notice or explanation. While it can be freely interchanged with ‘fuck’, it is generally accepted there is only one person...


Bad Weather

It’s snowed about 50 inches here in the Northeast this winter, and that’s fine. I like lots of snow. So anybody north of Tampa needs to shut their mouth and just deal. What bugs me is the weatherdroids. Take the Christmas blizzard. Until the...


McSpleen’s Dictionary: Reality TV

Reality TV – noun Genre of television programming typified by groups of ordinary people, often sharing a particular demographic, plight, or medical condition, forced into situations or challenges with the intention of having them cry as frequently as possible.