Category: McSpleen’s Dictionary


McSpleen’s Dictionary: Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing – noun 1) In theory, a variety of compute arrangements that leverage non-local resources. 2) In consumer marketing, the term ‘cloud’ is backbuzz applied to established and often unrelated technologies (e.g., remotely setting a DVR, Photoshopping images, sending e-mail).


McSpleen’s Dictionary: backbuzz

backbuzz – noun 1) retroactively applying a new buzzword to a previously-existing arrangement, technology, product, design or movement. Similar to the concept of retcon in literature, backbuzz originates in Marketing and is generally perceived as far more pathetic


McSpleen’s Dictionary: Booth Cougar

Booth Cougar – noun Trade show vendor staff of an…earlier generation. Placed alongside the traditional “booth babe.” Not observed in nature to be more knowledgeable about the product than usual staff. Coined in June 2010 by yours truly immediately following an an incident at...