Spleened! Blog


“Come with me and change the world…”

This article was originally written on the day Apple was bigger than Microsoft, back in May 2010. In the time since, Apple has become the most valuable company, period. Although fate struck down Steve Jobs, it would seem he is now more powerful than...

Nobody Wanted to Listen

Since The News didn’t want to crap on the Superbowl with a dodgy weather report, nobody said jack about the huge storm that showed up the next day…then they act all suprised that nobody seemed to care…            

Sandy: Mass Panic

This time around, the weatherdroids were right. I guess as worthlessly inaccurate as they generally are, it probably pays to listen up if they get their panties in a knot.  

McSpleen’s Dictionary: getting zucked

getting zucked (verb) To have one’s online assets or profiles changed, disseminated, unsecured, re-ordered, overwritten, deleted, monetized, or otherwise changed with little or no notice or explanation. While it can be freely interchanged with ‘fuck’, it is generally accepted there is only one person...